As for the nutritional advice it is not necessary not to eat or big sacrifices . On the contrary, I and the people I follow are the real example that you can achieve your goals such as reducing body fat and / or increasing muscle mass and strength by eating a bit of everything.
As an indication, I’ll explain how it works:
- Breakfast and lunch are the main meals of the day so here we can introduce most of the daily calories.
- For dinner, however, the situation is different, indicatively it must be a low-calorie meal trying to completely avoid simple sugars and fats.
The theory behind these nutrition tips:
- First of all, the body tends to convert excess calories into fat that are not used as an energy reserve for the future
- The calories introduced during the first part of the day can be used as energy for the normal performance of daily activities, therefore they are hardly converted into fat.
- In the second part of the day and in particular dinner, large quantities of calories should not be introduced as most likely the calories introduced within a few hours (even 3 or 4 hours) from when we go to sleep can hardly be used as energy so the body will tend to accumulate them as body fat
- Furthermore, by taking a certain amount of protein in the evening, we have an accelerating effect on the metabolism; a fast metabolism means burning more calories and consequently being able to eat more while maintaining good physical shape.
- In my theory of nutritional advice there are no taboo foods myself and the people I follow, we have breakfast with 2 slices of cake (without white sugar) we have a nice plate of pasta with tomato sauce / ragu / pesto sometimes for lunch we also eat some portions of tiramisu (sometimes not always) and we continue to burn fat and have a sculpted abdomen.
To conclude it is not important how much I eat but what and how and especially when .
This guide is intended to be a general demonstrative example of the basic principles of the nutritional advice we have adopted. Obviously then, entering into the specifics, a personalized and balanced food strategy must be developed according to the characteristics and purposes that you want to achieve for each individual.
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Please Note: All these results can be obtained even without taking stimulant supplements based on caffeine and various thermogenic drugs.